About Me

I am a full time real estate agent. Actually, much more than full time. I work early mornings, evenings and weekends; whenever is convenient for my clients. I love what I do, so quite often it really doesn’t feel like work. Don’t ever hesitate to call me. Anytime. (I do turn my phone off when I go to sleep, so feel free to call and leave a message or text.)

My philosophy about real estate is that I am here to help two parties (buyer and seller) find each other and complete a transaction with a minimum of fuss and headache. I DO NOT believe in beating up the other party just because we’re on opposing teams. Buying and selling homes are emotional experiences, and I don’t believe it is in the best interest of either party to make the other feel bullied or abused. Some real estate agents feel that their job is to intimidate me and/or my client and seem to thrive on unnecessary confrontation. I believe this is counterproductive to the basic desires of both parties to sell, or to buy. Your real estate agent should not stand in the way! I am an advocate for my clients. My job is to obtain the best price, terms and conditions for MY client, not to worry about the other parties’ preferences or feelings. But, I find that real estate transactions are far more satisfying to both parties when closing is a pleasant experience for everyone.

I am busy enough to be happy and successful, yet not so busy that I can’t take a personal interest in every client.

And finally, I choose to be a terrific listing agent. It’s not a God-given skill or something I was lucky enough to be born with. It’s a choice. I choose to spend time properly pricing my properties. I choose to have relationships with exceptional home stagers and responsive home improvement contractors. I choose to be respectfully upfront with my sellers as to what they need to do to help me get their homes sold. I choose to hire a professional photographer to visually represent your home in the best light possible. I choose to write attractive MLS descriptions and ensure that they are accurate. I choose to work for a company that offers a 7 day/week showing service, and to pursue feedback from all showing agents. I choose to regularly update my seller on the competing market activity. I choose to be prepared for and attend my appraisals. I choose to care more about the clients I have today than the clients I hope to have tomorrow.

The sale of your home is as important to me as it is to you. That is my commitment to you! I truly appreciate your business. I look forward to helping make your next real estate transaction a pleasant and painless experience, and hopefully even a little fun!